Residential Resources
*The property owner is responsible for all county required permits for well drilling approval. Tacoma Pump & Drilling will apply for Notice of Intent with the Dept. of Ecology only.
General Well Information
Private Well Information
How do I know if my well needs cleaning?
The following are some signs that may indicate a need to clean you’re well system.
- The well water is turbid, which means it is cloudy or has suspended matter in it.
- There has been a decrease in the well’s capacity—that is, the gallons of water per minute that the pump can supply to the system.
- The water has developed an odor or taste problem.
- The water tests positive for total coliform and/or overall biological activity. Work with a qualified water well system contractor to determine whether your well needs cleaning.
Why do wells need to be cleaned?
There are a variety of reasons why a well might need to be cleaned. Bacteria. In the upper reaches of the well, the presence of oxygen encourages the growth of aerobic bacteria (bacteria requiring oxygen) and the oxidation of metals. Aerobic bacteria tend to cause clogging by the production of large amounts of slime and the entrapment of oxidized iron and manganese as well as other minerals.
Debris from bacterial activity in the upper portions of the well tends to accumulate at the bottom of the well. Water in the lower portions of the well can become depleted of oxygen due to chemical reactions and bacterial activity, creating an environment for anaerobic bacteria (bacteria able to live without oxygen). These anaerobic bacteria, natural to the aquifer, are often responsible for methane gas, a fishy taste, various odors, and hydrogen sulfide (which causes a distinctive rotten egg odor).
Encrustation. This is the process by which a crust or coating is formed on the well intake and/or casing, typically through chemical or biological reactions.
How are well systems cleaned?
Some well owners view chlorination as a cure-all for water quality problems. While chlorination might temporarily prevent taste and odor problems, it leaves behind debris or accumulated organic material. Such debris or material provides a food source for future bacterial growth. Chlorination may
therefore be ineffective in the long run.
There are two basic approaches to well cleaning—mechanical and chemical, with the most effective strategy often being a combination of the two. Within both the chemical and mechanical methods is an array of options. A water well system contractor is best qualified to help the well owner decide
which methods to use, depending on the condition of the well.
Mechanical processes for loosening debris and/or encrustations and removing them from the well include the use of:
- Pressurized air or water
- Wire brushes or scrapers
- Agitation of water in the well
- Sonic waves
- Chemical cleaning often involves the use of various acids to loosen or dissolve debris so that it can be pumped out of the well. Depending on the nature of the cleaning job, there are also polymers and “caustic” chemicals (that increase the alkalinity of the water) to remove debris.
The age of a well may determine which methods are used to clean it. If a well’s water intake areas or the well casing have corroded significantly over time, they may be damaged or destroyed by more aggressive cleaning practices. In such cases, a well owner may opt to proceed directly to new well construction or prepare for that option if cleaning is ineffective.
Why do I need to complete the Start Card form?
Before you drill a well, we must submit a notice of intent (NOI or Start Card) to the Dept. of Ecology 72 hours before drilling starts. An NOI is not a permit, certificate, or application for a water right. It also does not represent approval or permission to use water from the well. By completing as much information as possible on the Start Card form helps us to submit the NOI.
What is a Bentonite Grout Seal?
A bentonite grout seal is installed around the well casing during well construction. Surface contamination of individual wells is usually caused by surface water flowing down the outside of a well casing. Bentonite is intended to stop this from happening. Just another way of protecting the quality of your well water.